Brunch Baby Shower in Texas

Six months into my pregnancy, I flew home to Texas to visit family and friends. We first flew to Austin for a friend’s wedding and then drove back to my hometown of Sugar Land to see my family. I’m so glad I did because I got to see people that I love, and they got to see my big belly.

My Kay and I

My Kay and I

Maybe we went to 6th street. Okay, yeah we did!

Maybe we went to 6th street. Okay, yeah we did!

The beautiful Driskill Hotel

The beautiful Driskill Hotel

A little bit of us for a while longer

A bit of only us for a little longer!

A bit of only us for a little longer!

When I was home, my parents and sister threw me a mini baby shower with my aunts and cousins. That was a nice surprise to have a brunch shower. Lots of food including a crepe cake, fruit tart, french toast, croissant casserole, Torchy’s queso, and bacon deviled eggs.



We also played a fun little game, similar to pin the tail on the donkey, but a much more adult version. It’s funny playing a game like this with your cousins, aunts, and dad! If you want to try out some adrenaline-pumping games with your family, sites such as FM카지노 might have something great to offer.

Pin the sperm on the egg!

Pin the sperm on the egg!

Ming-Gih and little MG

Ming-Gih and little MG

These photos totally remind me to count my blessings. I’m fortunate to have the people around me to love and support me through my entire pregnancy.

^^^ My sister and mom ^^^

^^^ My sister and mom ^^^

I love my mama

I love my mama

No love like the one between a mother and daughter!

Did anyone else fly during the end of their second trimester? What did you do? What about third trimester? How was that experience?

Lots of love,

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