MG turns 36!
This past Sunday was MG's 36th birthday!
He came back from Los Angeles after a weeklong work trip on Friday. After a one night rest at home, we set out to go camping on Saturday morning. My sister Katie and her boyfriend, Baldwin, are in town. They've been camping in Texas once before and didn't love it, but it's nothing like NorCal California camping! Amirite NorCal people?
We drove to a new campsite called Bootjack Campgrounds at Mount Tamalpais State Park in Marin County. This campsite was established in 1920s and closed 1969 because of overuse. But it's been reopened as of this year! It's a first come, first serve site, and it was available for us! Thankfully most of the sites were actually empty. We decided to set up shop right next to a running creek so we could hear the stream when sleeping. With some lunch in our stomach, we went hiking on Old Mine Trail, which was a 1 mile hike to a scenic spot called The Bench. It overlooks the Bay and Stinson Beach, and in the far distance, my beloved city of San Francisco.
After the view, we hiked back, finished setting up our sleeping bags, and took a well-needed nap. I have the most comfortable naps when I camp - maybe it's the fresh air. But they are awesome!
After waking, it was time to build the fire, which I think is still the best part of camping. The firewood made me a hungry girl so I started dinner around 5:30 (I'm such a g-ma!). Camping always means eating well. Don't ever tell me that food isn't part of camping. As MG says, "food makes every situation better." And camping is no different. Garlic fries, mushrooms, grilled corn, and steak for dinner. Can't ask for a better meal! And obviously smores is on the dessert menu. Wouldn't have it any other way!
Katie picked some flowers for our dinner table!
Uh huh! ^^^
Thanks Chef Ming ^^^
After meals, we washed our cookware in the "magical fountain"
My infamous inside out smores!
We stayed up poking at the fire until 11pm. And there was this huge slug hanging out with us by the fire. We named her Daisy. Say hi!
MG and I woke up in the morning and watched the sunrise then made breakfast. Another epic meal - corned beef hash, toasted english muffin, sunny side up eggs, bacon, and tangerine juice. Yum! And this breakfast concluded the camping trip.
Beautiful view to wake up to!
It was another successful trip (though I forgot my wine opener, darn)! And I'm pretty sure Katie and Baldwin enjoy camping too now!
I love camping! Few reasons:
1. I love waking up to fresh air. It makes every sleep a well-rested sleep. Even if I wake up a few times in the night, I still wake up feeling refreshed.
2. I love peeing in the woods. I feel like a free woman! TMI? Never on this blog!
3. Campfires. No details needed.
Happy birthday my love. I hope you enjoyed your birthday celebration (even though I love to camp and you don't, and that's my favorite cake and not yours).
Seriously, best cake - Berry Chantilly from Whole Foods ^^^
What do you do to celebrate your birthday? Do you have some recommended camping spots? Please share!
What did you do this weekend?