The Crab Mountain Sandwich

Remember that crab roll from Fish in my previous post? It’s seriously the most expensive sandwich I’ve ever had. But totally worth it! Buttery crunchy bread, with loads of crabmeat! All that comes with a hefty price though, but it’s such a perfect lunch for Treat Yo’Self day.

I absolutely love crab. It’s my favorite food of all time. Some people hate cracking and peeling the crab, but I don’t even mind that part. Sometimes I will peel crab for MG to eat, and we joke that it’s the labor of love. The evening that MG asked me to marry him, he had ordered crab for dinner at my apartment in San Francisco. I was having a bad day at work, and he had purchased crab takeout from R&G Lounge to make me feel better. This is my favorite restaurant for crab in the Bay Area. Dinner would have been the perfect way to make my day. But a diamond ring too? I was beyond elated!!!

Yup, crab was part of my engagement story. That’s how much I love this little crustacean (anyone hate this word too? Sounds gross)!

So this crab roll, I can’t eat it frequently cause I would be dirt poor at $25 a sandwich. I can always day dream about it! To satisfy my cravings, I decided to embark on making my own crab roll. Super easy to do, and 6 crab rolls will cost you under $20. Let’s do this!


Crab Mountain Sandwich Recipe

Ingredients (5 ingredients only!):

  • 16 oz. can of crab meat (You can purchase for $15 at Costco)
  • Loaf of white bread
  • Butter
  • Garlic Salt
  • Pepper for taste

Directions (3-steps only!):

1. Heat up a pan on medium-high heat. Cut a slice of butter and melt it onto a pan. Toast a piece of bread on both sides until golden brown and crispy. Toast 6 slices of bread and set aside.
2. Add butter to the hot pan. Drain out the water from the can of crab, and add the crab meat into the melted butter to heat up the meat. Add garlic salt and pepper to season.
3. Scoop a large heaping of crab meat onto your toasted bread. Serve with fries or chips, and eat!

Crab Roll Ingredients
Ingredients for deliciousness

I could eat toasted bread with butter all day… I wish it didn’t have calories

Crab mountain ^^^

So simple and so satisfying!

Isn’t this such an easy lunch idea? Plus it’s only $20 to feed 6 people vs. a $25 sandwich at Fish. Hells to the yesss!

Do you like crab? Do you love it as much as meeee? What is your favorite crab recipe?

Crustacean lover (eww),

Fancy Grilled Cheese

Bread. Butter. Cheese. All delicious. Who doesn’t love a grilled cheese sandwich?

But I’m going to one-up this traditional sandwich. Fancy open faced grilled cheese sandwiches.

Up close

Here’s a recipe for my grown up grilled cheese sandwich. If you read the last post, you know that I made these treats for my Super Bowl party. It’s such a great food to have at a party because you can make it in bulk, and it won’t break the bank account! For under $20, you can easily feed 10 people with gourmet grilled cheese.

Ingredients: butter, bread, American cheese, onions, tomato, arugula, and a fried egg.

1. Preheat the oven to 500°F.
2. Let’s prepare the bread. Melt butter and spread it onto both sides of the bread with a brush. Then pan fry the bread on both sides. Once golden, place the bread onto a baking sheet.
3. Add two slices of cheese onto the bread. Yes, I said two. Super cheesy!
4. Now the veggies. Caramelize the onions (cook them in olive oil until browned), then add sliced tomatoes on top.
5. Place the baking pan into the oven and bake for 3 minutes, until cheese is melted.
6. While it’s baking, fry an egg. I like my eggs runny and over easy.
7. Take the bread out, add the arugula, and finally add the egg.

Serve this baby up, and eat the deliciousness.

Fancy grilled cheese

Crispy, buttery bread is always satisfying. The caramelized onions add sweetness. The tomatoes give it some tartness. The arugula is peppery, and the egg is the perfect topping.


What do you think about this recipe? Is thing something you can create? What are some of your favorite grilled cheese recipes?

Are you hungry yet?

Perfect Banana Nut Chocolate Chip Muffins

Yay! I’m back home in Houston for the Holidays. I can’t believe its been over a year since I’ve been back. I love the feeling of walking into your childhood home and your parents greet you with open arms. Mama has already prepared a snack, and everything is familiar. Fresh laundry is going, the home is warm with the heater, and the household cat is meowing for attention. Home sweet home!

Before MG and I left our house, we wanted to get rid of perishable items in our fridge. Do you do this too? Or is this a crazy person’s idea? We had 2 eggs, 2 heads of celery, 1 pound of carrots, 4 heads of romaine lettuce, 3 oranges, 2 apples, half a watermelon, and 3 ripe bananas. That’s a lot to eat in two days! I basically juiced all the veggies and fruits, and ended up with 7 larges glasses of green juice. We actually finished it all (with the help of a friend)! I would call it a cleanse, but we ate a bunch of carbs and sweets so I guess I can’t lie to myself…

What I had left. 2 eggs and 3 super ripe bananas. This means only mean ONE thing. Who can guess it (hint, title)?

Banana Nut Chocolate Chip Muffins! Easy to eat and take on the plane. I’ve been trying to decide what I should bake to break in my KitchenAid! How perfect right?


Here’s my deliciously fluffy, not sweet, perfectly baked banana nut chocolate chip muffin recipe.



  • 1/2 cup softened butter
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 eggs, room temperature
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3 RIPE bananas, mashed (super, super ripe)
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 3/4 cup chocolate chips
  • 3/4 cup chopped walnuts

Baker’s tip: I highly encourage mixing your dry ingredients separately from your wet ingredients


1. Preheat the oven to 375 ° F.
2. Beat the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy.
3. Beat the eggs into the butter/sugar mixture.
4. Add vanilla.
5. In a separate bowl, mix together the dry ingredients (flour, baking soda, salt, brown sugar). Now combine everything into the wet mixture.
6. Mix in the mashed bananas. Add the walnuts and chocolate chips until thoroughly mixed.
7. Scoop mixture into muffin pan cups 3/4th full.
8. Bake for 20 minutes or until tops are golden brown.

These babies are the perfect snack. Gobble them up! Take them on the go with you. Share them with friends. Midnight snack? Yes, please!

This mixture is quite delicious… I might have had a spoonful

Fill the cups 3/4th up

Let them cool on a cooling rack so they are extra fluffy!

What kind of muffins do you like? I think banana nut is definitely my favorite, with chocolate gives it an extra plus. Do you have a favorite banana muffin recipe? Do share!

Snack time,

When you have lots of bread… make crumbs!

How was your Thanksgiving? Give me the details on what you ate! Did you also go shopping afterwards to walk off some of that food?

MG and I decided to go to the stores at 10pm to digest. This season there isn’t much that is our on wish list, so we didn’t purchase anything, but it was super fun to people watch.

Now that Thanksgiving is over, you may have a bunch of dinner rolls left over. Or maybe you have so many leftovers that your bread is going stale because who wants sandwiches when you can have turkey and stuffing with a side of green bean casserole for lunch.

Instead of throwing all that bread away, make bread crumbs!

Bread Crumbs


  • Half a loaf of bread or 10 rolls, torn into 1-inch pieces
  • 1 tablespoon Italian seasoning
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt


1. Preheat the oven to 300 degrees F.
2. Place all of the ingredients into a blender or Magic Bullet. Pulse until the bread becomes crumbs.
3. Spread the crumbs evenly on a baking pan and bake until the crumbs are crisp and begin to brown (about 5 minutes).
4. Cool the crumbs.
5. Transfer to an airtight container and store at room temperature (for up to 2 weeks) or store in the freezer (for up to 6 months).


Mine are going in the freezer

Bread crumbs are so versatile. You can make crab cakes, fried eggplant or zucchini fries, baked fish, veggie patties, or even meatloaf. What are your favorite recipes that include bread crumbs?

Don’t let food go to waste! What other leftovers do you have? Let’s come up with a solution!

Happy Friday,
Original recipe