Housewife to Two Jobs

I’m working again!

I’m currently freelancing at Chemistry Club, doing what I do best, media. Yup, at it again. It’s advertising, and it’s what I know! I’m working part-time, Monday through Wednesday. I’m also working on a side project, interior decorating a dental office. Two part-times equal one full-time job right?

officeHere’s the front of the office and my workspace. This space used to be a firehouse so it has a really cool warehouse feel. There’s a fire pole to the left of the first picture!

job2Here’s my second job. I went into the office on Saturday to paint. It’s sneak peak to what I will one day share on the blog! When I’m painting, I’m in my true element!

And since now I have places to be and people to see, in other words, I’m actually leaving the house and not wearing PJs all day… gotta go shopping and get me some bling! I got two new beautiful gold rings and a statement necklace. Eepppp I love them!


And if all this isn’t new enough for you, I’m cat-sitting my cousin’s fluff ball! Chubs and Toby have become playmates now!


Have an awesome week! I’m leaving for Austin on Friday to attend my sister’s graduation. Then I’m going to Europe for three weeks! I’ll be on hiatus while on vacation. I’ll still be posting the rest of this week so come back to see what I’m up to!

What did you do this weekend?