A New Look For My Wall Rack

If you’ve been reading along, you know I’m a bargain hunter. Hunting for goodies at thrift stores, Cost Plus World Market, and Marshall’s for home decor is my hobby! Okay, maybe not but I really enjoy doing it.

One knows that you can never have enough wall racks in your bedroom. I have two but it’s weird how my clothes still like to leave a path on the floor of where I walk. Does that happen to you too? Strange right?

Recently I came across a wall coat rack at Marshall’s for $10 in the clearance area. It was on sale because someone had put some nail polish paint on the corner and a knob was missing. I couldn’t pass up such a good deal and had to have it!

Marshall's Find

All I saw was potential!

Marshall's rack

I love the grain of the boards and the marbling of the knobs. I didn’t reuse the knobs for this project, but I’m going to save them for something else. Nowadays there are so many decorative knobs. The Anthropology knobs are swoon-worthy, but for $8 a knob, that’s almost the price of my wall rack! Nope… cannot. Fortunately I went to Cost Plus World Market and came across adorable knobs for $1.99 a piece. Done!

Knobs I love the colors of these knobs and how they are different. The blue helps bring them all together.

First off, I sanded down the rack so that new paint could stick and so that the nail polish paint was gone. I put a fresh coat of paint on the wall rack, a light and sheer white to make it a lighter color. The sheerness also allows the grain detail to show through. Then I took off the old knobs and screwed in the new colorful ones. This is the final product:


It’s hanging in our bedroom, and it’s the first thing you see when you walk in. I just need to be careful to not put my delicates on the rack so that guests don’t see!

What do you think of the revamped wall rack? Is this something you can do? How many coat racks do you have in your bedroom, and do you need more too?

Happy deal hunting,
White Frost Acrylic Paint by FolkArt

11 thoughts on “A New Look For My Wall Rack

  1. If you ever want to use finish rather than paint, I can lend you a book on finishing wood! Sanding with a low grit (meaning grittier) paper will help the wood grains come out. Plus you can always sand in between coats 🙂

    Anyway, looks beautiful – great job!

  2. No prob! Let me know if you also need an orbital sander. Helps with larger projects. Seeing your projects (along w being a caged student) makes me itch for a woodworking project

    • MG and I can’t wait until we have a house so that he an have his own woodwork area! Then I’ll have a backyard with chickens and an avocado tree. So perfect!

  3. I was totally admiring this wall rack of yours when I was at your place during Sarah’s visit! I even told Joe, “Hey we need to get one of those!” (or 2 or 3 or 4…)

  4. I have these knobs! And now that I’m in a new apt am making a shelf very similar to this. Only problem is I bought a plain wood shelf at Michael’s and it had pegs so I took those out to put my hooks on but I have no idea how I’m going to do it since I can’t screw them in unless I find a drill and the fact that the hole is wider than the screw I would use. Was thinking about using nails but doubt it would hold that much weight. Any suggestions? Btw, I love reading your blog especially all the DIY!!! =)

    • Hi Sarah! Thanks for reading 🙂

      I would definitely invest in a drill, or if you have a neighbor that you can borrow from that would be a great option! I picked up a drill on sale on Amazon on Black Friday and don’t regret the purchase at all. Now that you have your own place, you’ll find some great uses for it (like hanging up frames and the DIY shelf).

      I would say that screws are your best bet (find some that have the same width of the pegs or even bigger since you can always redrill holes). If you’re hanging light things like jewelry, nails should suffice!

      Please give me an update on your project! Send pics if possible!

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