Relaxation Saturday

It’s been a full week since my last blog post! I was committed to blogging three times a week for a year when I first started my blog, posting about recipes, decor, DIY, and a bunch of random things I do on the weekends.

Now I’m just going to enjoy my time blogging, and write about some of the stuff that I’ve been up to. Instead of giving myself a time constraint, it will be more about personal content now. We’ll see how this new year goes!

Finally, this weekend MG and I took it slow. After two weekend of camping trips, we got to sleep in, catch up on some reading (btw, I’m reading the Divergent series now), and shopped at the local Farmer’s Market in Hayward.



Japanese eggplant and Chinese bitter melon. Got both, now I need to figure out how to cook them!

Locally squeezed juices!


And of course, the pretty flowers!



Closing time…

^^^ This image reminds me of how blessed I truly am ^^^

After an afternoon nap, we even trained for our half marathon happening at the end of this month. First time running 7 miles outdoors! I can’t even believe it. I went from barely running a block (I kid you not…) to walk/running 7 miles! Whoohoo! Proud, indeed.

MG and I then treated ourselves to a nice little meal.

A nice heirloom tomato, spinach, mozzarella salad and…

Steak and potatos!!! Nom nom nom (our legendary recipe here)

And we went out to watch Guardians of the Galaxy. Fantastic movie!

As we got home, we found this little booger waiting for us to come back. This melts my heart.


As you think about this past weekend, what kinds of things are you thankful for?

Have a great week,

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